Club Bylaws

ARTICLE 1 – Name and Location

The name of this organization shall be The Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club. The mailing address shall be PO BOX 698, New Hartford, New York 13413

ARTICLE 2 – Mission

The Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club (MVBC) is dedicated to the encouragement of all aspects of bicycling. The mission of the Club is to sponsor and support recreational cycling activities; to encourage bicycling as a leisure activity, as a beneficial form of exercise, as a method of transportation and as a sport; to promote equal road rights and safe bicycling practices.

ARTICLE 3 – Membership

3.1     Anyone attaining 18 years of age shall be entitled to an individual membership in this organization upon receipt of payment of annual dues and signed application for Individual Membership.  Those who are under the age of 18 years must provide a written release signed by a parent or guardian.

3.2     A family consisting of parent(s) with dependent child(ren) or a couple residing at the same address shall be entitled to a family membership in this organization upon receipt of payment of annual dues and signed application. Those who are under the age of 18 years within the family must be accompanied by an adult member of that family at all activities, unless a signed written release is received.

3.3     All current dues paying members 18 years or older are entitled to full voting rights. Members must be present at a general membership meeting to vote.

3.4     The amount of the annual membership dues shall be determined by the elected officers and shall be due at the beginning of the calendar year. Any new members joining the club between October 1 and December 31 shall be entitled to membership through December 31 of the following year. There will be no prorating of dues for partial years.

3.5     Membership of any individual may be suspended or terminated by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors.  Such action may be taken if a member displays unsafe conduct or acts in a manner that is detrimental to the mission of the Club.  Such action will not be taken without the individual first receiving a letter of reprimand from the Club.

ARTICLE 4 – Executive Committee and Board of Directors

4.1       The governance of the Club shall be by a Board of Directors (BOD).

4.2       The Board of Directors will consist of the Executive Committee and 9 at large club members.

4.3       The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and immediate ex-officio past President.  The President and the Vice President shall hold no more than two consecutive terms in office.  Both shall be at least 25 years of age.

4.4       Executive Committee terms of office will for one year beginning on February 1 and ending on January 31 the following year.

4.5       The BOD shall consist of 9 members serving a term of 3 years.  1/3 of the BOD shall be elected each year.  The BOD terms of office will begin on February 1 and end on January 31 of the following year.

4.6       The President will appoint members of the BOD as chairpersons of standing Committees.  The appointment is subject to approval by a simple majority of the BOD.  The Standing Committees shall be:  Communications Committee, Membership Committee, Ride Committee, and Social Committee.  The Board shall determine the duties of the Standing Committees.

4.7       The President may appoint Special Committees or task forces as needed. The
Chairpersons of these Special Committees are not automatically members of the BOD.

4.8       Each member of the Board of Directors shall possess one vote in matters
coming before the Board. All voting at meetings of the Board of Directors shall be by each member in person and voting by proxy shall not be allowed. A quorum shall consist of 1/2 plus 1 of the Board membership.

4.9       Any Board member may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the general membership at any regular meeting or special meeting of the membership of the Club.  Notice of the proposed removal of a Board member must be given to such Board member prior to the date of the meeting at which such removal is to be voted upon. Such notice to the Board member must state the cause for the proposed removal.

4.10     Unexcused absence from two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors shall be due cause for removal of a director.


5.1       The Duties of the President shall be to preside over the meetings of the BOD, to preside over general membership meetings, to appoint, subject to board approval Committee Chairpersons and to oversee the implementation of programs and activities that support the Mission Statement of the MVBC.

5.2       The Duties of the Vice-President shall be to preside at meetings in the absence of the President, to assist the President in overseeing club activities, and to initiate and oversee the annual audit.

5.3       The Duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of BOD and club meetings, to maintain a file of all club correspondence and to keep records of club activities.

5.4       The Duties of the Treasurer shall be to maintain an accurate account of club income and expenditures, to pay all bills approved by the BOD, to report the state of the club finances on a quarterly basis, and to supervise elections.  The Treasurer shall file the appropriate corporate reports with the State of New York and the IRS.  The Treasurer shall also oversee the production of an annual budget.

5.5       Should the Presidency become vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the Presidency.  A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by special election at the next Board of Directors meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy.

5.6       Additionally, the Executive Committee shall insure that the legal affairs of the Club are in order and that it is adequately protected by liability insurance

ARTICLE 6 – Board of Directors (BOD) and Club Meetings

6.1       BOD meetings shall normally be held quarterly or more often as needed.

6.2       The Annual (year end) Club meeting shall normally be held in January for the purpose of electing Executive officers and items of business stipulated in the by-laws.

6.3       The Executive Board and Club meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rule of order.

6.4       The President or the Executive Board may call special BOD and/or Club meetings.  Club members may call special Club meetings by presenting to the Executive Board a request signed by twenty five (25) percent of the members in good standing.

6.5       Twenty (20) Club members and two (2) Executive Board members present shall constitute a quorum for a Club meeting.  Minutes of Executive Board and Club meetings shall be maintained and made available to all members.

ARTICLE 7 – Election of the Executive Board

7.1       The Executive Board consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. To be eligible for election, the following criteria must be met: Current dues paying member, minimum one year membership and 25 years of age or older.

7.2       The Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee prior to the 1st of November each year.

7.3       The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of officers for the December Board meeting.

7.4       The Slate of Nominees shall be published in the newsletter or mailed to the club members at least fifteen days prior to the Annual (year end) club meeting. There shall also be opportunity for write-in candidates on the ballot at the Annual meeting.

7.5       The elections of each Executive Officer shall be by a simple majority of the members present and voting at the Annual (year end) meeting.

7.6      The voting shall be done by ballot.  The ballots shall include a place for write in candidates. The Secretary shall prepare the ballots.  The Vice President and Secretary will count the ballots and the President will announce the results at the Annual (year end) meeting.

7.7       Vacancies on the Board of Directors will be filled by special election.

ARTICLE 8 – Finances

8.1       The Executive Committee shall establish an operating budget annually.

8.2       The financial records of the Club shall be audited once a year, as directed by the Executive Committee, and an annual financial statement shall be published in the newsletter.

8.3       While the purpose of the Club is not to be a charitable organization, when the treasury allows, consideration may be given to financially supporting a local bicycling-related cause in keeping with the spirit of the Club’s secondary mission to be active in the community.

8.4      Expenditure or reimbursements in excess of fifty dollars ($50) and less than five hundred dollars ($500) must have prior approval of the Executive Board.  Certain classes of expenditures may be given approval by the Executive Board before they come due.

8.5       Expenditures in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) must be approved at an official Executive Board meeting.

8.6      Appropriate expenditures less than fifty dollars ($50) shall be reimbursed by the Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall have sole responsibility for determining the appropriateness of expenditure under fifty dollars ($50).

ARTICLE 9 – Amendments

Amendments to the By-Laws shall be by two thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the general membership at the Annual (year end) Club meeting or a specially called Club meeting.  The proposed amendments must be presented to the Executive Board 60 days prior to the Annual (year end) Club meeting or specially called Club meeting.  The Executive Board must circulate the proposed amendments to the Club membership no less than thirty (30) days prior to Annual (year-end) Club meeting or specially called Club meeting.

ARTICLE 10 – Disbanding

If the MVBC is disbanded, the remaining treasury funds shall be used to satisfy any outstanding debts.  Any remaining balance of MVBC funds shall be given to any other recognized group or groups supporting bicycling in the Central New York area.

ARTICLE 11 – Indemnification

The MVBC will maintain membership with the League of American Bicyclists and purchase their General Liability and Participant Accident insurance.